
What Does Intersex Mean?
Many LGBTQ people are in a constant discovery process around gender identity or sexual orientation. Both of those constructs are on a spectrum, and there

Everything you need to know about gender identity counseling
Many of the clients seen at LGBTQ Therapy Space come to us for gender identity counseling. But what exactly is does that mean? Is gender

What the heck is “therapy” anyway?
How does therapy work? We often hear words and phrases thrown around in the cultural zeitgeist, but we don’t often stop to ask what they

How to Understand and Manage Holiday Depression
BY DAVID S. KESSLER, LCSW (Florida, New York, Texas) The holiday season can be a particularly triggering time for LGBTQ individuals. Over my 30+ years

What it Means to be NGLCC Certified
According to the National LGBTQ Task Force, 56% of LGBTQ people have experienced discrimination when seeking health or wellness services. On a very basic level,
Where’s the T in LGBT?
BY PAMUELA HALLIWELL LMFT As National Coming Out Day approaches, we often hear coming out stories of individuals who represent the LGB. These identities and